Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I need more time!

So the summer has come and (almost) gone and I haven't churned out one post.  Not a single one.  And even this one won't have anything too revealing in is more just to say I put a blog entry up during the summer months.

This summer has been a little crazy at our house.  Not to say it doesn't always feel crazy but for some reason this one caught up with me.  I've swooning over my new nephew, I was a single parent for almost 2 weeks while my husband was away on business, and we've been planning my middle sister's wedding.

We did manage to get away on vacation - we just got back from 2 weeks in south Florida.  Love, love, love being able to go there every year.  It really is just what we need to re-charge.  Now I'm back in crazy mode.  The wedding is this Friday, and the kids go back to school next week.  Looking forward to just getting some ahhh time at some point.

Off to finish a speech - please no lectures about procrastination.  I work my best under pressure!!