Monday, September 24, 2012

Where to start?

So this is what happens when I wait a really long time between posts...where do I start to recap everything that has gone on?  Let's see if I can some things up without rambling too much.

Celebrations this summer centred around a wedding - my middle sister got married in August.  We were all so happy for her - she finally found her other half.  The day was not without hitches (and subsequent freak outs), but in the end it was all about family and friends getting together to celebrate with them.  And yes I had to do another speech...and no I didn't make it through without crying.  It really was a fun night, and I could not be happier for her and my new brother in law.

We also managed to get away this summer for 3 weeks.  We spent them in South Florida.  Easy to sum up this part of the summer - it was hot, it rained and the shopping was fantastic.  We are lucky enough to get to go south every year, and every year we come back wishing we could just stay there.  Totally could picture myself being there full time...pretty darn sure it will be part of our retirement plan to move there!!

After I blinked, September was here.  That means back to routine (which I secretly love) and back to school for my girls.  I'm not gonna lie - after all the drama in the school yard last year with my oldest, I was a little (ok alot) apprehensive about what her year would hold for her this year.  Would the mean girls still be nasty to her?  Would she spend more time in tears this year than smiling?  We talked alot about how to deal with "the girls", and worked on accepting that not everyone would see her as the quirky, sweet little girl that I adore.  Glad to report that a few weeks in, things seem to be going better...not perfect but better.  From my point of view she seems to be dealing with it better which is all I can ask for.

My littlest daughter started Grade 2 this year.  She is my little social butterfly and seems to be able to flit from group to group without batting an eye.  She is a chatterbox, so there have already been some discussions about keeping quiet during class time.  Plus she flies through her work in it bad that I want to send extra work for her?

Along with school comes all the fall activities - and my girls are only in two things each!  Hubby and I looked at our calendar for September and October - and discovered we already needed a nap.  Things are pretty nuts, but everyone is healthy and happy which means we can handle the nuts. much for promises about no rambling.  I haven't even gotten into any of my "opinion" posts. Guess I'll have to keep those for another day.

Parting thought - I've seen real strength in some pretty amazing ladies recently.  Hats off to all those dealing with "stuff", and still manage to smile and keep a brave face.  Know my door is always open, the coffee is always hot (or the vodka is always cold depending on what you need) and my ears always sympathetic.  For those of us who have it pretty good, we should just say thanks and leave it at that.