Friday, November 23, 2012

Tonight should be fun!

So tonight is a milestone of sorts...I'm taking my daughters to their first concert - Justin Bieber.  They are excited, but I think I am more excited to see their reaction than anything else!

I remember my first concert - my mom took my sister and I to see Cyndi Lauper.  We dressed all funky and had great seats.  It was loud and overwhelming at times, but it is a memory I cherish.  Not so much because I remember the playlist from that night, but more that I remember thinking my mom was super cool for taking us to a concert.  It's a feeling I hope my daughters share after our excursion tonight.

To make things even better, we're carpooling with a group of good friends - should mean that the car ride there and back should be just as fun!

Will post pics of their excited faces in another post this weekend.  For now, I'm armed with cash for souvenirs and ear plugs for all.  Bring on the Biebs!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Back to the Gym

I have a love/hate relationship with the gym.  Once I'm there, I love working out.  I love the "me time" it gives me, and working up a sweat gives me a feeling of accomplishment.

My difficulty is dragging my butt out the door on a regular basis to get there.  You see, my preferred time to work out is in the morning - in the evening there are always too many excuses not to go.  I'm playing taxi driver, the house needs cleaning, homework is more than usual...I've thought about it for 3 seconds and have already talked myself out of going.  If I go in the morning, it's before the craziness starts and I really believe it helps me focus for the day.

But it means getting up really early, and my pillow is just too inviting some mornings.  So this time around I've decided to compromise.  I will commit to 2 mornings per week, and I have a friend who will (hopefully) ignore my excuses and get me there at least 2 nights a week.

Truth be told, I am looking forward to getting back into the routine of the gym.  I miss it - and all the benefits it provides.  And cause now I have a gym buddy, I get to spend a couple of evenings per week with a pretty amazing friend...that in and of itself is the extra push that should have me bouncing out the door!

Just to give myself a little bit of extra motivation though, I bought some really pretty running shoes that are going to make me smile every time I put them on.  Every little bit helps!! Wish me luck!

Sunday, November 4, 2012

What a Weekend!

So I've mentioned in a few blogs how crazy the month of October is in our house...and why would the final weekend (OK technically the first weekend on November) be any different?  Mostly fun stuff...let's see how short and sweet I can keep the summary.

Friday night I spent with some pretty amazing ladies.  A friend has an aunt who reads tea leaves, and she organized a reading for a few of us at her house.  To say I love all the psychic stuff is an understatement.  It fascinates me to no end so I was super excited to do this.  The reading was really cool - and very bang on.  It's a little freaky how someone you just met can read you with such accuracy.  For me, she honed in on the fact that I take on too much and need to let other people do things - and anyone who knows me knows that this describes me to a "t".  Thanks Sonia for hosting it, and I look forward to doing it again.

Saturday was Marianna's 10th birthday party with her friends.  I hired a magician to entertain the kids, and all seemed to have a great time.  I have to say, it was a very well behaved group I had at my place...especially given all the sugar I served.  It was really nice to see Marianna interact with all of them, and I got lots of thank you hugs at the end of it all. 

Saturday night I got to spend some time with the newest little man in my life - my nephew Evan.  My sister and brother in law headed out for a well deserved break and I got to get my fill of baby cuddles.  I got lots of smiles, and this child went to bed without a fight...a new concept for me given my girls were not good sleepers.  As I said to Katie, I'm on call anytime for babysitting duty!

This is where my weekend turns a little south.  I was supposed to spend Sunday at a mom and me scrapbooking event hosted by Sonia (go see her at but woke up with a headache this morning - a headache that turned into the nastiest migraine I've had in a long time.  For anyone who has never had a migraine, consider yourselves lucky ducks.  Mine subsided for a long time, but seem to have come back recently...and this one was a doozy.  Luckily I could stay curled up in a dark room for the day and, after a very long nap, it eventually passed.  Thanks to Sonia for understanding the last minute cancel, and thanks to Hubby for handling today on his own.

Now bring on the week.  I'm hoping this is a good one for all of us!