Saturday, December 31, 2011

And Here we Go...

So here it first blog post.  With the multitude of blogs out there, I bet you're wondering what am I thinking, right?  Every year, I challenge myself to do one new creative thing (to try to balance the fact that I work in IT and don't get to be creative at work very often).  One year was card-making (which I still do and love), another year was scrapbooking (which I still do and love), once was knitting (which never caught on).  This year, I've discovered some amazing mommy bloggers out there (most through the Yummy Mummy Club) and thought - what a neat way to chronicle what's happening in our lives!

I did some research, and discovered the title of your blog is supposed to define what your blog is about.  I wasn't ready to commit to blogging about one topic - but I am always looking for ways to balance being a mom, a wife, working outside the home and having some me time...the title seemed to fit what I am about.

I'm not sure where this will go, or if I will really get into blogging about our days of 2012, but I'm going to give it a shot.  Hopefully by the end of the year, I'll have learned a few things about blogging and, more importantly, I'll have documented some of the things that seem to get away from me when I'm looking for a pen and paper to write it down.

Here is to a an amazing 2012!

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