Sunday, February 5, 2012

I *May* Have a Problem

They say the first step to admitting any addiction is to admit you have a problem.  So here goes...I may be addicted to paper.  Not just any paper, but the pretty, scrapbooking kind of paper.  How do I know this is a problem you ask??

Recently, I took inventory of all the paper I had in my craft room.  To say I have alot is an understatement.  That it and of itself is not the issue.  I love to scrapbook and make cards so you would expect that I would have reams of paper at my disposal.  The issue - I actually found myself saying "I can't use that to's far too pretty".  What??  Why would I buy pretty paper if not to create beautiful books full of memories and cards to give away to my friends?  Because it makes me happy to look at them.  I know...very weird.  Remember I never said I was normal.

Now that I've admitted it, I should be on the road to recovery, right?  I wish I could say yes but I was at the craft store yesterday and could not help myself...there was this SUPER cute girlie paper that made me smile.  Instead of trying to get over it, I plan to find other ways to use it.  Up first, I'm going to create an art display for my craft room.  Beautifully framed paper that will cheer me up whenever I glance over at it. 

As for the "problem" I'm going to try to keep it more under control.  I said try, but I make no promises.


  1. I feel your pain! I say use it as art if it makes you smile!

  2. There could be worse addictions! Paper seems safe!!! Save it and smile at it often:)


  3. I feel the same....too much scrapbooking stuff...or paper...WHATEVES! I love it! Artwork display...awesome idea!
