I've seen more and more recently where, instead of making a New Year's Resolution, people are choosing a word that they will live by for the year. I've seen some good ones - simplify being one I almost stole! I thought what a great idea...so started my journey.
I've been thinking (and agonizing a little bit) about what word I would choose to define my 2013. Really? One word that would help me model what I wanted the year to be...that's pretty stressful! Especially when I've already ruled out patience as a contender. Not to say I don't need to find some, but I'm pretty sure it would be an epic failure of an experiment if I picked that one (case in point: I've lost my patience with my girls already and we are January 3rd).
So with that one out, I wanted to pick one that would be significant - one that when I thought about it I would remember why I picked it. One that I could incorporate in some artwork for my walls this year. So here goes...drumroll please...my word is content.
The verb and the adjective. I want to strive this year to feel content; to remember that I live a content life. Don't get me wrong - there are days that are quite hellish. Days where I'm pretty sure I will not make it to bed time. Days where I literally just have to go into a quiet room and get my bearings.
The thing with knowing that the crappy days exist is that they make me realize that there are really good days too. Days where I look around and think "Wow...life is pretty good these days". I'm thinking the key for making this my year of "content" is remembering that the off days shouldn't be the defining moments in my story - that privilege should be saved for the moments that make me giggle or that make my heart swell. And as long as I can remember that, I think it will be a pretty good year.
So here goes nothing...let's see how the experiment unfolds. Out with the resolution, in with the word to define my 2013 - content.
content...good one.
ReplyDeleteGood luck with your word! It's a good one - we should all feel more content with our lives.