Tuesday, June 25, 2019

It's a date!

Well...I wish I was referring to a date where we were going away, or something exciting was going to happen.  Not that, but it's an important one nonetheless.

July 11th, 2019

That's the date that the neurosurgeon will remove this stupid thing in my head, and I can (fingers crossed) just get on with life.  It seems every time I hope to "move on" something happens that throws me for a loop.  So instead of "moving on" from things, I'm going to embrace them and move forward.  Well, maybe not embrace them but at least accept them :-)

Doc explained the surgery and the first part of the recovery (looks like I'll be in the hospital for 5-6 nights).  Not sure what recovery entails after that, but I assume it's just resting to get my strength back and more trips to the doc to make sure things are healing nicely.

In true Julie fashion, I haven't thought much about the specifics.  Every time I start to process the fact that I'm going for brain surgery, I get overwhelmed and shut the thoughts down. Maybe not the healthiest way, but it's how I'm dealing and that's ok.  I still haven't really had a meltdown (and haven't shown up on Sonia's porch with Malibu yet) - I do know it's coming.  We've been busy so procrastinating has been easy.  But it's coming I'm sure.  Hopefully it's not in a public place...the cashier at Loblaws may not appreciate a break down in their line up!

In any case, that's all I've got for now.  Going to enjoy the next couple of weeks, then will trust the doctors to do their thing.  In reality, that's all I can do.  Well that and continue to soak in any good vibes I can find.



  1. You are an amazing person and so strong. Sending all the prayers, hugs and healing vibes to you and your beautiful family. Thinking of you always Julie

  2. Keep your head up and stay positive my friend. Sending you lots of prayers your way.
